Thursday, September 13, 2007


This is my brother David.
He needs your prayers.
i love him.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


im at a point in my life where i can say im perfectly content.
i have my school work which is pretty simple.
i have my job which is almost easy.
i have my boy friend that puts up with every little thing i say. i love him so much. i love people. but these days. i cant stand to be in a crowd of people bigger than 4...
i cant stand the fact the i have to be able to just sit there in that group breathe in, breathe out, and be expected to laugh. which all i feel is slight claustrophobia--emotionally.
so i separate myself. from everyone. all the time. im always at a coffee house. getting drunk off caffeine. and eating muffins.
im twitching right now thinking of how wonderful it would be to leave this room and read at a coffee house... i want to... but i think im getting addicted to coffee, and being alone.
the bible is NOT a text book. but if they want me to read it. i wouldnt tell the kids to read 1st and 2nd kings. thats just alot in a couple days...and hard for the ADD coffee addicted loner.
prayers welcomed.
and muffins.